In the dream, my little
sister died. I can’t remember what caused it, and I guess it doesn’t matter. Most
of the dream was about how I felt after- the grief, loss, and a sadness unbeknownst
to me before this dream. She was lying in a casket, the kind made for small
children. Her face was decorated in a pound of pale white, mud-like make-up.
Her mouth and eyes were sewn shut. Her hair was tucked behind her eyes, which
made her seem even younger than she was. She smelled like staleness and perfume.
As I looked upon her
body, my dream switched over to the memory of seeing my grandpa at his funeral.
In life, they had never looked alike. They weren’t even related. But in death,
the similarity was frightening.

When I finally woke up,
it was because I could breathe. I’d been crying so hard, I was hyperventilating.
I was coated in sweat and tears. My entire body was shaking. All I could think
about, was that it may have been real. I ran upstairs, into my sister’s room.
Some of the weight lifted from my chest, when I saw her sleeping in her bed.
However, there was a lingering pain at the idea the she could have died, could
be dead, or could die tomorrow.
These are the things I
What an awful dream. The fear of something happening to a loved one can be truly paralyzing if we let it.